“ If you are not connected to yourself, how can you connect to another?”



FLOW offers various weekly and monthly sessions at the office across the fields of yoga, meditation, healing, breathwork, holistic coaching, reiki and stress release, that stimulate personal growth, transformation, happiness, purpose and a calm body & mind for everyone during and after office hours. 

We believe investing in these various holistic teachings should become part of each company’s culture. And are part of a moment of active rest during the day to calm down your nervous system. 

Everyone brings their personal story and history to the office and relationships are now more than ever a challenging mix of work & private life at one, where we often feel stuck and want to experience more inner freedom, (self) love and happiness. 

We can help your team with a personal in-company plan to track the results. 

group session for more connection

A group session for max 20 people to connect more with each other, interact, play and get into your own body. We will work towards more connection to self, stress release, letting go  and increasing self awareness. 

Our guides are here to help you clarify your challenges and provide personalized tools to overcome any obstacle on your path.

Wellbeing as part of
diversity, equality and inclusiveness

The Flow Agency team helps organizations, individuals & teams with customized solutions to challenges /problems in the area of sustainable employability and vitality during working hours. 

By supporting active rest during working hours for a healthy work-life balance. To work longer and healthier with more inner peace and work happiness. 

In addition, we support internal career paths and give advice to MT members to contribute to inclusive leadership. So that employees can be authentic and there is a safe environment where employees can thrive, are heard and can participate equally.



The Usual Hotels
Aniek Holland  – Marketing Manager

As a company we at The Usual are working on being the solution for the conscious city trip traveller by creating planet loving places to eat, stay, work, and play which inspire and empower people to live and travel consciously. 

Making our guests and employees feel energized, connected, positive and inspired is at our core. And as a team we got to enhance these feelings through a breathwork and meditation workshop by Flow Agency Management.

Founder Sanela Kaknjo also comes from a hospitality background and in our search for a more mindful way of travel for guests, locals, and our hotel teams we found a match with her and Flow and would recommend trying a session or workshop.

1:1 leadership session

You are a conscious leader who wants to grow and reconnect to your true self. So that you can lead from the heart. With openness, softness and compassion. Offering a safe and encouraging work environment for your employees to feel seen, valued and supported. 
Sometimes we need to reconnect with ourselves before we can fully engage with the world around us. We need to grow, come to bloom, and allow things to flow naturally. 

“ If you are not connected to yourself, how can you connect to another?”

You value mental wellbeing during office hours, and want to contribute by creating a healthy and thriving work environment for your employees. Showing vulnerability as a strength to grow.

We will create a personal program for you and our guides will help you and provide ancient wisdom and tools for you to grow as a leader so your company will flourish. 

company retreat (half day/one day)

A day outside the office with your employees and colleagues. We offer various customized retreat programs for your team to reconnect to each other and self. A team building day, but also a session for managers. 

Where play, reconnecting, sharing and healing are components of the program. 

To offer you the best experience we work closely together with various inspiring locations that can be rented and will contribute to the growing experience. 

An overview of our location partners, you can find here

If you wish to discuss other options, feel free to contact us for more information.

Whether you’re leading a team or searching for meaningful connection with yourself and with others—we all need constant reminders to continue practicing courage.



Nikki Mosterd / Scrum Master

At the UWV, we place great importance on employee wellbeing. An activity is regularly organized, sometimes by colleagues and sometimes by external parties.

Sanela is a colleague of mine and we were very curious to experience a session through her company. So when the invitation came for a breathwork session, I was very curious. 

This was the first time for me to experience a breathwork session. It was explained in an approachable way and the teacher radiated calmness. This created a safe setting/ 

In the beginning I found it difficult to get into it ,but soon I could fully surrender because of the fine guidance. The feeling afterwards was very positive. I felt more connected to myself and very aware of my breathing. Even though it was a short 30 minute session. 
I would definitely like to experience this more often during working hours, you really, really take some time to relax. I recommend it to everyone!


The energy that exists between people when

they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can

give and receive without judgment; and when

they derive sustenance and strength

from the relationship.

Brené Brown


location partners

Is your company ready to embrace holistic sessions as the new normal, to create a more healthy workplace by encouraging active rest during office hours?

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